Growing Green Fingers – The Benefits Of Gardening For Children

Gardening – particularly if you’re growing your own food – has a multitude of health and general wellness benefits which will greatly improve the lot of any human [1], regardless of their age. Our children, however, are likely to experience a diverse and lasting range...

Foam Box Gardens

Gardening doesn’t have to be expensive. Some people are put off growing their own veggies because they think the initial outlay of materials will outweigh the cost saving of home grown produce. But there are many ways that you can save if you think creatively. Growing...

The Harvest “High”

Ever wondered why you spend so much time in the garden? Or why you seem to be drawn to the vegetable patch to get away from life on the inside (inside the house or office, I mean). Well you are not alone, my friend; it appears that there’s a few of us leaping into the...

“Biota Dining” Restaurant Review & Farmers Market

Biota – bio-ta, noun meaning “animals and plant life of a particular region”. As soon as I saw the name of the restaurant, BIOTA Dining, I thought it had my name all over it! Now this was a restaurant that I wanted to try out …. in fact, I NEEDED to try it...