Brisbane floods_cover.pngWhen I planned my summer holiday I certainly didn’t expect to be experiencing the worst floods in the history of our country! But that’s what I landed into the day I arrived in Brisbane. I witnessed panic buying like never before as people suddenly realised that they would be almost certainly cut off from a reliable food supply for an indefinite period. Availability of fresh produce was, and will continue to be, an issue for us all as a result of this tragic natural disaster in Queensland.We’re seeing predictions of produce increasing as much as 100% because this state supplies such a large proportion of fresh food to our eastern coast. It’s not only going to affect our food supply but also other commodities that rely on agricultural production, like biofuels. While farms were washed away and crops destroyed in our eastern states, our western counterparts battled raging fires threatening homes and reserves. It certainly makes us question how stable our own personal situation is during these types of crisis events.

How would you fair in these circumstances?

I was so glad to come home to a fully productive garden in my own backyard, knowing that if transportation of food became a local issue then I would fair quite well. Growing as much as I can, collecting my own seed and having a daily supply of eggs from my 5 chooks, I can safely say that the impact of these events will not affect me as much as it will others around me.


I had mixed emotions as I collected these veggies from my garden the day after I arrived home from Brisbane. I was joyous that I was safe and secure but lamenting the thought of those I left in Queensland who would now struggle physically, financially and emotionally.

So don’t be caught out. Everyone can do something, no matter how small it may be, even to grow a few regular salad supplies or keep a couple of chooks. Barter with those around you if you don’t have the space to do everything. This way we’ll help keep prices from escalating ridiculously and make it more affordable for those who really need it the most.

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