It’s that time of year again and I’m giving away 4 double passes to the Organic Expo in Sydney on 5-7th August. That’s only just around the corner so get in quickly for a chance to receive a double pass to the expo for free. This year I’m asking “Why would you choose organic?”. You can write your comments below or post them on Facebook at The Veggie Club. Competition closes at noon on Wednesday 3 August and winners will be sent their tickets by express overnight post. Winners will be notified by email.Come and see expo favourites like Celebrity chefs Kylie Kwong and Toby Puttock as they show you how to cook with sustainable produce. Gardening greats like Jerry Coleby-Williams and Costa Georgiadis will give you the dirt on organic gardening and you can sample organic wines and food. Natural skin care and clothing, green cleaning and safe home furnishings will also be there for you to check out too. See for more details.
I choose organic for the lives and well-being of the produce. I’ve owned chickens, seen their personalities, and can’t imagine them not seeing sunlight, or scratching in dirt.
I choose organics because I want to eat foods as close to what God makes and organics is certainly God friendly.
it is the best,
for the earth, the sky , the sea and me!
I choose Organic products becuase they prevent us from ingesting regular amounts of pesticides and insecticides commonly found in non-Organic products.
I choose organic because it is very sad to see such high rates of diseases like cancer and terrible allergies that destroy people’s lives, in the hope that by supporting the organic industry it will expand greatly so that all people would be able to afford it and understand the benefits and eventually bring back the good natural old days where people were so much healthier than today.
Choosing Organic Foods for its taste, longer shelf life, nutritional facts and protection of the environment as it ensures fertility of the soil for future generations. Organic Farmers respect the local product of the season and the food value which is nearest to their natural state. They are allowed to grow at their own rate and rhythm. It also contributes to the safeguard of the communities. Most of all it is our medicine and has the healing power for our survival as well as the intrinsic value of our biodiversity. When we eat organic foods we eat LIVE foods not DEAD foods.
I choose organic produce so my body doesn’t become a “TOXIC” waste dump for residues from insecticides and pesticides. Plus organic taste yummy !!!!!!
Compost made from home used vegetables and fruits waste as well as lawn cuttings.
I choose organics because the food is more vibrant, tasty, and is not modified for superficial looks or to ‘dumb down’ tastes. It has more vitality, more nutrition and I feel good eating it! I’m also more in touch with what is available or best seasonally, and living with greater awareness of the cycle of food growing, the sense of Nature’s gifts!
i have a big bone to pick with conventional farming methods. fruit and veg nowadays have up to 65% less trace minerals in comparison to produce 40 years ago. the change funnily enough, coincides with the industrial revolution of our agricultural industries and heavy synthetic fertiliser use. there are over 50 elements, nutrients, etc in soils and in most cases the use of synthetic fertilisers only replenishes NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium). the other elements eventually become depleted.
inorganic synthetic fertilisers also create problems with soil salinity. the half life if nitrogen is 43 years! just imagine how long the effects of constant applications last. the stuff is killing our soils, increasing algae bloom, wiping out marine life, making land less fertile and less productive. it seems absolutely idiotic that we are again going for the quick and easy route instead of approaching animal and human manure as renewable resources.
organic and biodynamic farming methods nurture the precious microflora and fauna that inhabit the soil and sustain soil fertility through the decomposition of organic material. by purchasing organic produce, we support farmers who take stewardship of the land seriously. i can’t always afford organic produce so i try to grow as much as i can on my suburban block so i don’t have to buy mass-produced, conventionally farmed fruit and veg from large supermarkets.
I choose organic for flavour and peace of mind free from chemicals. It also is the closest i can get to eating from my parents veggie patch.
If a slick advertisement agency produced a glossy campaign that promised “Better for the earth + better for the palate + better for you = better value AND better values”, no one would hesitate to choose organics.
I don’t need the gloss to be won over. The science, flavour and vitality have more than succeeded in convincing me to choose organics.
I want my new baby & 10 year old to have the best I can give them in food, products and clothes. I want their little bodies to shine with health but for me it is also ethical and environmental.
The question: organic or not.
Clean living doesn’t ask for a lot.
Look after your health,
Treat all pests with stealth,
And chemicals, you’ll eat not a dot.
Its about munching and crunching, water from the roof, sun from the sky, no pesticides, is good for you and I. Apart from all that the satisfaction of watching the fruits (or veggies) of our labour grow goes without saying.
I choose the best local organic produce whenever it’s fresh, cheaper ‘cos it’s grown by ME!
I choose organic because being a vegan its important that the food I eat is the best it can be. Food that was grown the way nature intended only makes sense. Its not about the cost of the food either, because the value on my lives and the lives of the people growing and eating the vegetables isn’t worth the price paid for toxic chemicals that contribute to the pollution of everyone’s environment. I act with my dollars and sense.
I choose organic because we are in a turning point, people are more aware of what is going on with the GM and Fertilisers, I want to have more organic in the big supermarkets, in the connvenience store, I want that my kids have have organic in their future, so we have to buy and help the people that are producing it.
I choose organic for better nutrition and to stay away from nasties like pesticides. And it tastes so much better!!!
I’m an organic grower where possible.. I’d love to learn more, and will be going to this expo to learn.
The taste is noticeably better than what can be purchased from a supermarket..
But I struggle with pests, and hope that one day I’ll have a 100% organic arsenal under my arm.
Oh, apologies for writing a 2nd post, but organics can reduce waste – which is high on my agenda, and something that we seem to do a lot of, as far as a species..
Shipping food or products half way round the world is simply wasteful..
Using food and water wastes on gardens helps reduce the waste considerably..
Organics are the best,
Sure beats the rest,
So good for me,
Making me feel healthy!
Hi Everyone. Competition has now closed. So many great and passionate comments it’s hard to choose the best. I wish I could give everyone a ticket 🙁 but congratulations to winners:
Bev, Julie T, Carina and JoJo (via Facebook)
Hi Toni, I just wanted to thank you for my tickets to the Organic Expo and Green Show. I arranged a babysitter for the kids and took my husband along with me to the show on Sunday. We were one of the first to arrive and had a few minutes to browse before watching a cooking demonstration from Kylie Kwong. She’s fantastic, and so passionate about using quality ingredients in all her dishes.
After that, we browsed the stalls some more and sampled all sorts of tea, coffee, health drinks, chips, nuts, biscuits, beer, wine, dried fruit, the list goes on. All organic – all beautiful. We then rested a while to watch Matt French from the RSPCA talk about animal welfare. He was so knowledgable and passionate about the topic and I could’ve listened for ages.
Straight after Matt was Jerry Coleby-Williams from ABC’s Gardening Australia. My husband and I sat and listened intently for the whole hour. He’s quite a guru and I’m quite a fan. I even got a photo (much to my husband’s embarrassment).
There were heaps of other speakers and demonstrations happening throughout the day but we just couldn’t be in two places at once to see them all. The stall holders were really helpful and knowledgeable about their products and the how, why, what, etc. Next year, I’m definitely going whether I win the tickets or not! Again – thank you Toni.