santa.pngChristmas and the holiday season are upon us once again, so we can celebrate another year and another harvest.

It’s been a big year for the veggie club and for me in particular …. organic gardening workshops, programs for therapeutic gardening, writing new magazine articles, more blogs and joining the Australian Institute of Horticulture … phew!!!

One of the highlights in 2011 was our new Facebook page. We launched our page in June and it’s already become a community of almost 600 fans! The daily veggie news on Facebook includes links to relevant research findings, environmental causes and general gardening info. Thanks go out to everyone who has supported it … keep your comments and photos coming.

The veggie club members now include many gardeners who have attended workshops held during the year … whether face to face or online. Workshops give information and motivation to start or rekindle a passion for growing your own veggies. These have been attended by many backyard gardeners as well as community gardeners.

chinese garden.png

Some of the latest community gardeners have included the Australian Chinese Community and my own local gardening group, Camden Community Garden on the outskirts of Sydney. This year’s most popular workshops were Balcony Gardening, Moon Planting & Crop Rotation and of course Backyard Veggies in my own garden with gourmet lunch included.

sprout magazine.pngFeature gardening articles that I’ve written are now being published in Sprout Magazine. It’s reasonably new to the market and gives a great overview of some of our local producers as well as some tasty recipes to show you how to cook your seasonal harvest. The magazine is available seasonally through farmers markets around Sydney, so be early to get your copy before they sell out or you can subscribe at Sprout Magazine.

I’ve also increased my online blogging so that you can have as much information available as possible via the web. Don’t forget to check for new posts regularly.

This year has introduced a few new blogging sites that I’m writing for, so keep an eye out for other posts at
Camden Community Garden blogspot
Kora Organics with Miranda Kerr and
The Brave Discussion
The new year will also help you take steps towards a greener future with some contributions to

My involvement with The Brave Discussion continues by raising awareness of mental health and disability in our communities. It’s been a pleasure to introduce the joy and therapeutic qualities of gardening to many people throughout the year. Gardening programs can be implemented in a variety of settings including disability, mental health, aged care and rehabilitation facilities.

More workshops and programs for therapeutic gardening will continue next year also, so keep an eye on dates for new workshops for 2012.

As a new National Councillor for the Australian Institute of Horticulture, I’m also excited to extend the practice of horticulture to the broader community and keep the industry safe for everyone by encouraging organic and sustainable practices.

Cultivating wellness, peace and joy during this festive season.
