It’s time to start thinking about sowing seeds for an early start on next season and I’ve heard lots of people say their discovery garden seeds didn’t grow well. So here’s my tips to make them work for you.
Step 1. The very first thing is so important: check if the seeds are actually suitable for the season. Last February Woolworths had loads of seeds that were spring planting varieties (out of season). In some areas you might have been able to sneak in a few plants before the cool weather but for me it was way too late. The only ones I got to plant were the violas and pansies that you see in the final slide. I now have a bunch of them that I stashed away and will plant soon.
Step 2. The coir pellets contain no nutrients and are only good for keeping your seeds damp, which is essential for germination. Don’t let them dry out. While you will get germination, there’s no food for the emerging seedlings to grow any further. The next step is where most people fail.
Step 3. There are often too many seeds germinating to keep them together. So once you get the seeds at the stage you see them in the first picture, you need to break them up into individual plants. Choose whether you will prick them out to grow them on a bit more in punnets/seedling cells with good quality potting mix or pot them up into the final container.
Step 4. To get the seedlings motoring along give them fortnightly applications of weak fish emulsion and seaweed solution.
Step 5. The cardboard and jiffy pot they originally came in can be tossed into the compost.