Test your powers of observation and see if you can spot the real judges sited at the Masterchef LIVE event last weekend. It may be that Gary, George and Matt have gotten in touch with their feminine side or was it just the Veggie Ladies having a bit of fun?
What a fantastic event! Australia’s first Masterchef LIVE event hosting celebrity chefs to be found indoor, outdoor and in every corner you could find. Aprons are, apparently, the new black, in as many colours as Adriano Zumbos macarons, including the Veggie Lady’s own lime green. All the expected gourmets where there as well as plenty of celeb chef spotting for the inquisitive, up close and personal so you could ask them all any burning questions.
Kylie Kwong was the trailblazer for local organic produce – you go girl! She teamed up with Rob Bauer of Bauer’s Organic Farm, Australia’s largest organic producer. Kylie shared a turning point in her life 6 years ago when she chose to use exclusively local organic produce wherever she could. She reflected not only on the incredible taste difference she found with Bauer’s organic carrots and beets, but also the responsibility and commitment she felt as a high profile chef to look after the land we all share. (Wow, her sincerity brought tears to my eyes).
Rob highlighted the dangers of some non-organic practices used by potato growers to keep their crop a uniform size. Potatoes transport the starches in their leaves down to the tubers developing underground, but these farmers don’t want them to keep growing too big (large multi-national chainstores and franchising groups purchasing crops get to call the shots when it comes to size, shape, colour, timing and price in more cases than you’d be aware of). So to stop the spuds growing they spray the tops with a herbicide that also ends up travelling down to the tubers before it kills off the leaves and stops further growth. We’re similarly exposed to so many more chemicals in all the produce we eat.
The organic producers market provided great information and education for the public on the meaning of organic and the virtues of eating organic produce.
Afterall, if you’re going to be a masterchef, in the end it’s all about how it tastes that gets you over the line, just ask the real Gary, George or Matt.