It appears that us veggie gardeners are ahead of our time, or at least setting the pace for the rest of the gardening world, according to the Garden Media Group annual report on what’s hot for 2014. The report suggests that it’s all about “sustainability” and finding balance with nature in the urban landscape.
Although the information in the report is taken from USA data, Aussies pretty much follow the same trends.
So here’s the top 10 trends set for us in the year ahead.
1. Foraging or “wild-crafting”; using weeds as edibles.
2. Indoor Plants. With backyards getting smaller, indoor plants are on the rise: herbs on the windowsill and air-plants that don’t need any attention.

3. Micro-greens. Because they are quick and easy to grow inside and take up little space, Micro-greens have become the new veggie of choice! (Or are they just a trendy garnish?).
4. Hydroponic veggies and aquaponics. Innovation to integrate fish and veggie culture in one sustainable system.
5. Straw bale gardens. (How many things can we do with a straw bale?)
6. Herbs. Veggie seedling sales, while still strong in retail figures, have declined marginally during the last year but stronger growth has been reported with herb plants. The usual suspects and most common herbs are up there with the best, but there’s also a move to more unusual herbs for medicinal purposes and tea making.
7. Home brewing. Grow your own hops!
8. Composting.
9. Bee hotels. Save our bees!
10. IPM – integrated pest management. Out with pesticides and in with beneficial insects and natural predators.
Vegetable gardening has been popular for the 6th year in a row and out performs flower gardening in terms of spending power yet again.

2014 trends for flower gardens include “colour blocking”. Preferred colours are those that mimic nature (greens, greys and neutral browns) and anything that lifts our emotions like peaceful whites or cheery bright colours.
How many are you doing already? And what takes your fancy for a new project in 2014?
Are you on trend?