How would you like free fertiliser for your plants forever?
Do you like the idea of composting but a compost bin won’t fit on your balcony?
Does your compost take forever to break down before it’s ready to use on the garden?
Well here’s your chance to win a twin barrel composter that will give you great compost in only a few weeks …. and it will even fit on a balcony.
Tell us why you need this composter for a chance to win it.
The Roto Twin Composter 140 ltr from composting home is a great way to turn your waste into fertiliser without all the problems.
Compost problems
I’ve been showing home gardeners how to compost effectively for over 15 years and there always seems to be the same common problems that gardeners experience. These are a few of the issues that many people have (I wonder how many you can identify with).
* Cockroaches and mice get into the compost
* The compost takes forever to break down and be ready to use on the garden
* The contents of the compost bin are wet, slimy and smelly
* Fruit fly and maggots get in the bin
* The volume of compost never seems to get any bigger despite me putting kitchen scraps in
These are very common problems, but they’re all really easy to rectify. Let me tell you how.
Composting principles
First you need to think about ADAM whenever you compost.
Adam stands for:
A – Aliveness
D – Diversity
A – Aeration
M – Moisture
A good compost is Alive with billions of micro organisms that help break down the materials you put in the compost heap. As one large scale composter producer once said, “I’m not making compost, I’m farming microbes.” A truer word could not be said because good compost is all about making sure you have the right environment for the microbes to do their thing for you.
Your responsibility is to provide a Diverse range of materials, mixing wet ingredients (like veggie scraps and lawn clippings) with dry ingredients (like shredded paper, straw and sawdust) to balance the conditions for the microbes properly.
Turning your compost heap gives it Aeration. Bacteria is fueled by moisture and oxygen to break material down quickly. A weekly turn of your compost keeps it well aerated and kicking along nicely.
Keeping your compost heap Moist (i.e. damp to touch, not dry or soggy wet) is your next key responsibility.
Roto Twin Composter 140 ltr
Keep reading for your chance to win this composter.
So I think the Roto Twin Composter is ideal to help your achieve ADAM.
Filling the composter to about 2-thirds full will allow the materials inside to be well aerated when you turn the barrel every week. The beauty of the twin barrel is that while one side is “cooking” or breaking down into compost, the other side can be used to collect your new material.

The 140 litre barrel is the perfect size for collecting kitchen scraps, straw, paper, weeds and other material from general household waste. If you balance your wet and dry material, turn it every week and keep it moist, then you’ll definitely be getting great rich compost ready to use on the garden in only a couple of months. Some claim to have it even quicker!
The other bonus is that the Roto Twin Composter is on legs. It’s off the ground and it’s fully sealed, so you won’t get any problems with mice or crockroaches. Just put a wheel barrow or bucket underneath the barrel and it becomes real easy to collect your compost when it’s ready.
You will even fit this composter on a balcony.
So now there’s no excuse, everyone can do it!
Win Your Own Composter
To help you get started composting home is offering you a chance to win this composter valued at $199 and they’ll even deliver it to your home (Australia only).
All you need to do is tell us why you need one of these composters.
Leave a comment below or “like” our facebook page and leave a comment there. We’ll pick the best reason as the winner.
Competition open until 5pm Sunday 11th May 2014, so get in quick! Winner announced on Monday 12th May, 2014.
Good luck!!!
I would love to win
the compost ROTO TWIN BIN
Putting scraps in land fill is a sin
Dear Toni
I do not want the nasties getting in to my compost and I do not have much spare time so I need a system that is simple and easy.
I need one of these composters to feed my veges, trees and soil without feeding the rats and other fauna as well. 🙂
I would love to win the compost ROTO TWIN BIN because the soil in the area I live seems to not grow my veggies very well. Haven’t had a good garden since I started one after moving in. My compost is a plastic bin I bought from lowes last year and not really liking it and it’s ease of grandson being able to help with it.
I really want to get my grandchildren involved in composting.
Tammy Purvis
I would love to win a compost tumbler to kick along our children’s garden project. Having a five year old, and four year old twins, we are trying to save money by growing our own veggies, as well as teaching them healthy habits and about the growing cycle of nature. Our garden beds to date have yielded scant crops, and I really need to condition and improve the soil. The kids love our standing compost bin, but it is so slow and low volume. Seeing the magic of putting in scraps to a compost tumbler, and having real compost emerge in a short time would add to their involvement, excitement and education.
Thankyou for the chance to enter.
I have just moved into an old place and finally have some dirt! I’ve always wanted to go green and have started on the path… I recently grew some broccoli (seriously, I thought I’d have a better chance of growing hair on my head) and served it to my family, it was extremely satisfying – gardening seems a bit of a black art to me but I am determined to get the staples growing at least.
The tumbler would be a great asset as we don’t have much organic matter available (and it looks pretty nifty).
A rotating composter would be ideal at our home. We use conventional compost bins, however the materials take a long time to decompose and the bins are not always very effective. We add material to the compost every day. I would appreciate being able to use a Roto Twin Bin to increase the success of our composting and to be able to improve our garden as a result.
And the winner is …… Philippa from Canberra!!!!! (via Facebook)
Thanks to everyone who supported Compost Week and our competition. There were lots of great entries but the judges at Composting Home chose Philippa’s for her creativity and humour.
If you missed out, then here’s a second chance to win with Composting Home at
Here’s Philippa’s winning entry:
Rolling’ Rollin’ Rollin’
Keep that compost rollin’
Rain and wind and weather
Peelings, leaves together
Never have to dig it
Just have to spin it
Throw it in! Roll it round!
Take it out! Dig it in!
Rollin’ in Roto Twin!
Hi Jesi,For composting on a low buegdt, I’d suggest building a compost bin if youhave space, which can be as simple as a few pallets tied together, or somewire mesh formed into a circle. Imade to get an idea.If you don’t have the space for something like that, you could always trycomposting using some 5 gallon buckets or even a trash can with holesdrilled in it. Or there’s vermicomposting with worms see, you have lotsof options!I have another video that compares/contrasts the most common methods called As for basic needs for compost, I’d say shredded leaves are the mostimportant material by far now’s the time of year where I’m out scoutingaround for leaves to keep me composting through the winter.Compost can be done in as little as a few weeks, but more likely takes 2 or3 months. It all depends how much time you put into it, really.I hope this helps, and let me know if you have any other questions.Thanks for writing!