Do you deserve a break? This organisation thought their employees did.⁣

Time out with a lunch time wellness workshop

They encouraged their employees to “pause” and take time out from so much screen time and zoom meetings to reconnect with the natural world.⁣

Wouldn’t you like a boss like that? Can you guess who the employer was?⁣

Make a macrame hanging pot holder

Making the macrame hanging pot holder

Staff at this large organisation’s HQ campus were given the opportunity to make a simple macrame hanging pot holder to get creative at lunchtime. Once they made their pot holder, they had a chance to pot up a Devil’s Ivy plant to put in it and take home.

Getting hands dirty reduces tension, eases stress and makes work fun
Smiles all round

⁣Talk to your boss or organisation if you’d like to run a workplace wellness workshop like this one making a macrame hanging pot holder with some Devils Ivy or other plant based workshops.

I run onsite corporate workshops and online webinars for staff to take a break just like this.