You don’t need a 5 acre property or even a backyard to grow your own produce. Surprisingly, quite a lot can actually be grown in pots or containers on a sunny balcony, not only providing you with fresh organic herbs and vegetables, but also saving you money. You can...
“Why aren’t my zucchinis producing zucchinis?” “My zucchini plant flowers but it doesn’t give me zucchinis to eat” “My pumpkin has heaps of flowers but no pumpkins” “Why don’t my zucchinis get any bigger before they go yellow and drop off?” It’s the same old story...
Compost is one of the best fertilisers you can use on your vegetable garden. It’s cheap, it recycles waste and often local councils will give you some monetary incentive to buy one, some even give them away for free. There are so many different ones: bins, bays,...
Gardens and gourmet food seem to go hand in hand. Whether you’re a bit of a foodie or grow your own vegetables …. or both, then a tour that includes these 2 elements in an idyllic location may be just the thing you’re looking for. I’m taking a...
Ever wondered why you spend so much time in the garden? Or why you seem to be drawn to the vegetable patch to get away from life on the inside (inside the house or office, I mean). Well you are not alone, my friend; it appears that there’s a few of us leaping into the...