If you want all the local gossip, then all you need to do is to get yourself down to your local producers or farmers market to find out who’s who and what’s what! So that’s exactly what I did recently to catch up with all that’s been happening in the Southern...
Biota – bio-ta, noun meaning “animals and plant life of a particular region”. As soon as I saw the name of the restaurant, BIOTA Dining, I thought it had my name all over it! Now this was a restaurant that I wanted to try out …. in fact, I NEEDED to try it...
It’s a ritual for so many of us …. even an addiction for some. I border on the latter, for without my Saturday morning fix, my week is simply not complete. I’m talking about my weekly trip to the farmers’ market, where I not only take in the...
“Farmer poisoned by his own livestock; whole herd exterminated; dam water toxic from pesticides and chemical fertilisers; monoculture breeds pesticide resistant superbugs; farm work so putrid that only prisoners will work there; known contamination; profits over...