BOOK REVIEW PESTS, DISEASES AND BENEFICIALS – Friends and Foes of Australian Gardens. David Hockings AM, March 2014, CSIRO publishing. Paperback, 280 pages. RRP $39.95 PESTS, DISEASES AND BENEFICIALS – Friends and Foes of Australian Gardens is a book for...
How would you like free fertiliser for your plants forever? Do you like the idea of composting but a compost bin won’t fit on your balcony? Does your compost take forever to break down before it’s ready to use on the garden? Well here’s your chance...
Gardening doesn’t have to be expensive. Some people are put off growing their own veggies because they think the initial outlay of materials will outweigh the cost saving of home grown produce. But there are many ways that you can save if you think creatively. Growing...
Some years are better than others when it comes to harvesting your own home grown vegetables. When a bumper crop comes around the best thing you can do is to save the seed from this harvest to ensure your best chances of success and reproduce those same results next...
How many of you use bicarb soda in your garden? Maybe you’re familiar with it as a means to clean your house without chemicals, but do you know how good it is for controlling garden problems too? The use of baking soda to control fungal diseases attacking vegetables...